Helpful Resources
National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens has useful information for parents, families, and kids.
Collaborative Research on Addiction at the National Institute of Health (CRAN) provides information on current interdisciplinary research on addiction.
Local Resources - 24/7 Crisis Hotlines - Support Possibilities
24/7 Crisis Hotlines for Addiction & Mental Health
*For Immediate Assistance, Call 911*
Washtenaw County Community Mental Health Crisis Hotline - 734-544-3050
U-M Psychiatric Emergency Services - 734-936-5900 or 734-996-4747
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or 1-888-628-9454
Local Online/Virtual Addiction & Recovery Resources
U-M Collegiate Recovery Program provides holistic, tailored support to Michigan students who are in recovery from alcohol or other drug problems. If you are a student in recovery or are curious about recovery, give us a call.
Huron Valley Intergroup provides a list of local AA online meetings
Washtenaw Alano Club provides a wide range of online and face-to-face recovery meetings
Washtenaw Families Against Narcotics provides online meetings and resources for families coping with loved ones who are involved with narcotics including those who have lost loved ones
Washtenaw County Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings lists online and face-to-face AA meetings in Washtenaw county
National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) Washtenaw County
Online Yoga for Recovery (Y4R) - Washtenaw Families Against Narcotics
National Resources
SAMHSA’s National Helpline – 1-800-662-HELP (4357) - SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.
SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline - 1-800-662-HELP (5990) OR text TalkWithUs to 66746
Online/Virtual Addiction & Recovery Meetings-
AAOnlineMeeting - online AA meetings
Alcoholics Anonymous - virtual meetings
International AA Online Meetings (link to online meetings in Europe)
Families Against Narcotics - List of online recovery resources
In the Rooms - Online recovery AA, NA, and other meetings
Narcotics Anonymous - NA meetings online & by phone
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) - List of COVID-19 mental health resources
Guidance for People Who Use Substances
COVID-19 Guidance for People Who Use Substances (Yale)
Substance Use & Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator
Addiction, Substance Use and Recovery during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Online support community for parents & caregivers
Recovery Dharma - List of virtual meetings
Smart Recovery - List of outline/remote meetings and 24-7 message boards
Educational Resources
COVID-19: Accessing Critical Medication Assisted Treatment for Your Loved One
Dealing with Isolation: Northwest Wayne Families Against Narcotics Family Forum Recorded Meeting
Drugfree.org: One-on-One Help to Address Young Person's Substance Use: text, email, or call
In a Time of Disruption, Protecting Your Child from the Risks of Substance Use
Welcoming An Adult Child Back Home Because of COVID-19
6 Alternative Zoom Happy Hour Ideas
Managing Substance Use Disorder During Quarantine Recorded Interview with Dr. Jonathon Morrow
Mental Health Resources
Department of Psychiatry COVID-19 Mental Health Resource Page
Suicide Prevention Resource Center: COVID-19 Resources
Taking Care of Family Well-Being
Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation
Recovery Support and Treatment Apps and Resources
Sober Grid allows you to create online profiles and interact, support, and engage with other people in recovery using a platform similar to Facebook. You can also use the app to create anonymous check-ins about whether you’re sober or not, your mood, and what’s going on.
SoberTool is an easy way to track your clean and sober days. The app includes daily motivational messages and reminders to keep you on target
WEconnect provides you with daily reminders to stay on track with your recovery plan. You can create reminders to call your sponsor, go to a group meeting, or meditate—anything you need to provide that extra push.
AA Big Book is an app that gives you access to the full text of the Big Book, along with a meeting finder, podcasts, prayers, and personal stories. You can use the app to bookmark meaningful passages, make notes on individual chapters in the comment section, and search for specific keywords.
12 Step Meditation Daily Reflections for AA, NA, Al-Anon is an app that features hundreds of easy-to-follow guided meditations, as well as soothing music, prayers, and 12-step recovery audio.
I Am Sober tracks your sober days and milestones, build new habits, and enjoy ongoing motivation from a community of people who get it.
Pink Cloud find meetings near you based on your location.
Workit Health provides telemedicine addiction treatment with clinicians, therapists, and coaches over live chat and video.
Further resources for researchers
University of Michigan Addiction Center is housed in the Michigan Medicine Department of Psychiatry.
University of Michigan Tobacco Research Network is an effort of the University of Michigan School of Public Health, led by Clifford E. Douglas, J.D.